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  1. Step 1
    In large bowl, fold together the fruit filling, the condensed milk and the Cool Whip until blended.

  2. Step 2
    Fold in the pound cake cubes and marshmallows until combined.

  3. Step 3
    Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate for about an hour to set.

  4. Step 4
    Serve with fresh strawberries and sprinkles on top, if desired.

What others are saying about this recipe

  1. Patty Angler says:

    Looks good

  2. Jqnet says:

    Oh my goodness so good for the summer months, or any time. Thank you for the recipe.

  3. Mae Holmes-Greathouse says:


  4. Tone says:

    I’m looking for the recipe for Crumb crisp and cannot find it for the peach pie
    Please respond
    Thank you

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