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  1. Step 1
    Preheat oven to 350° F.

  2. Step 2
    Line a 9X9 or 8X8 square baking pan with foil, leaving "handles" over the edges of the pan. Spray with non-stick cooking spray. Set aside.

  3. Step 3
    In large bowl, prepare the brownies according to the package directions. Add 1/2 to 3/4 cup pie filling to batter and stir.

  4. Step 4
    Pour into prepared baking pan and bake for 40 minutes or until toothpick inserted into center of brownies comes out clean.

  5. Step 5
    Remove from oven and cool completely.

  6. Step 6
    Cut into squares and serve with a spoonful of remaining pie filling and whipped cream on top.

What others are saying about this recipe

  1. Beverly says:

    MMM Hmm oooe lovin these two combinations of ingredients.

  2. Beverly says:

    Nothin else like them MMM MMM good…

  3. Lace Anne Strother says:

    Going to try this version for my beloved as his birthday “cake” tonight .. THANK YOU .. it was EXACTLY the combination that I was hoping to find.

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